
Check Cashing Solutions

With a choice of either web-based or PC-based check cashing solutions, AllTrust ensures your business has a fast, safe and cost effective way to approve checks. We make it easy.

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SmartCheck, our secure web-based check cashing solution, is tailored for thriving grocery, retail, and money services chains. With its suite of convenient add-on features, including Review Center, Maker Research, Check 21 Electronic Deposits, and Bill Payment, SmartCheck streamlines your operations, mitigates risk, and enhances customer service. SmartCheck provides comprehensive back-office controls for risk management, transaction pricing, government compliance and second-level approvals. Standardized, numerically driven decisioning keep the clerk focused on moving people through the line and providing excellent customer service.

Built on the AllTrust Web Services (AWTS) platform, SmartCheck is frequently updated, can be private labeled, and integrates value-added services from third-party providers. SmartCheck works with browsers from Google, Microsoft, Firefox and others and includes a hardware management utility that works with a variety of check readers, ID scanners, printers, and other peripheral devices without the need for browser plug-ins.

By leveraging the power and security of our cloud network, SmartCheck enables all of your stores to seamlessly share data and ensures protection from data loss.

Paycheck Secure

Paycheck Secure incorporates biometric fingerprint-based customer enrollment and authentication to deter fraudsters by leveraging our database across the AllTrust Network of merchants. Paycheck Secure also includes integrated government compliance reporting for filing currency transaction reports (CTRs) and suspicious activity reports (SARs).

High volume businesses can also take advantage of flat rate pricing with no transaction fees. A rebate voucher program is also available with Paycheck Secure that enables you to offer free check cashing to your customers by rebating the check cashing fee onto vouchers that can only be used in your store.

View the PayCheck Secure demo now.
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  • Chrome, Edge, Firefox
  • National Fraudster Database
  • Negative Check Database
  • Configurable Pricing Rules
  • Govt Compliance Reporting
  • Reporting & Analytics
  • Realtime Data Backup
  • Free Automated Updates
  • Private Label Capable
  • Address Verification
  • Cell Phone Verification
  • Passport Capture
  • Biometric ID & Authentication
  • In-Store Voucher Program

Paycheck Secure

  • Platforms Supported: Windows 10, 11
  • Fingerprint ID & Authentication
  • National Fraudster Database
  • Negative Check Database
  • Configurable Pricing Rules
  • Govt Compliance Reporting
  • In-Store Voucher Program
  • Reporting & Analytics
  • Automated Data Backup
  • Free Software Updates
  • Private Label Capable
  • Address Verification
  • Cell Phone Verification


Customizable Acceptance Criteria

AllTrust’s check cashing products have customizable settings to determine which checks to accept. Our proprietary rules engine can restrict check types, dollar amounts, velocity indicators, maker history, and customer history.

Biometric Fingerprint Enrollment

AllTrust pioneered fingerprint-based biometric customer enrollment and authentication for the check cashing industry. Our government grade fingerprint processing identifies and verifies repeat customers while helping to detect the fraudsters across the AllTrust Network.

National Fraudster Database

Over 9 million consumers are registered in the AllTrust database. We track which ones have passed bad checks and make that list available across all merchants that use our products and services. Catch the fraudsters before they catch you.

Negative Check Database

AllTrust shares negative check data across all merchants in our network. If you are presented a check from a known bad maker, AllTrust will notify you before fraud can occur.

Configurable Pricing Rules

Our products enable you to set pricing rules for different types of checks under a variety of circumstances. This includes things like surcharges for first time customers or combinations of check types and check amounts. SmartCheck’s advanced pricing rules help you optimize risk control.

Private Labeling & Customization

For large chains, SmartCheck can be private labeled with your brand name, your logo, and even your preferred screen colors. If you need to integrate SmartCheck into an in-house system or want to use it with a network of sales agents, we can create a custom version for you.

Contact us today for a free live demo.

Address Verification

When entering the customer’s address in SmartCheck, AllTrust will check the supplied address information against a national database to verify it is a valid address and that it is formatted properly. This helps reduce identity-based fraud.

Cell Phone Verification

When entering the customer’s cell phone number in SmartCheck, AllTrust will verify that it is a valid cell phone number by immediately sending a text message to the customer. Like address verification, this helps reduce identity-based fraud.

Reporting & Analytics

Setting up your check cashing rules is easy with our online configuration and reporting tools. Whether a report about the day’s transactions or researching the status of an individual check, our reporting tools help you run your business.

Case Studies

Read about some of our customers who are using Paycheck Secure to stop check fraud and improve their bottom line.

Government Compliance Reporting

Compliance with the Bank Secrecy and US Patriot Acts is mandatory. All of our check cashing products have fully integrated compliance features for CTRs, SARs and OFAC. Includes automatic identification of activities that require compliance and built-in online report submission. AllTrust also offers a comprehensive AML Compliance Program.

In-Store Voucher Program

Providing check cashing services is one of the best ways to ensure customer loyalty and putting cash in their hand to buy other goods and services. The AllTrust Voucher Program enables you to rebate the check cashing fees as a point of sale coupon to further entice your customers to spend money in your store.

Automated Data Backup

With SmartCheck, all data is stored in the AllTrust cloud and you can be assured that it is protected and safe. With Paycheck Secure, your data is stored and encrypted on your PC with automated backups to AllTrust data centers. If you have a hardware failure or other system issue, the data can be re-installed on your system.

Free Software Updates

We want you to have the latest and greatest that we have to offer. As a web-based service, SmartCheck is improved on a daily basis without the need to download new software. With Paycheck Secure, we provide free software updates throughout your relationship with us.

Additional add on services

No matter your need, AllTrust has value-added services you can add to any of our check cashing solutions, a-la-cart. Purchase only what you need, and add over time as your business grows.

Maker Research

Haven’t seen that check maker before? Reduce your risk of accepting a fraudulent check by using our Maker Research feature. AllTrust reviews national databases of bank accounts to verify that routing and account numbers are valid and in good standing.

Bill Payment

Simplify your payments with our versatile bill payment service, covering multiple providers, wireless top-ups, and cross-border transactions. Experience efficient, recorded transactions delivered electronically, supported by bilingual customer service through our toll-free hotline.

Review Center

Sometimes checks need to be reviewed by an expert before being approved. The AllTrust Review Center lets a clerk send a check to review where it can be remotely viewed, compared to similar checks from that customer, and then approved or denied by a corporate risk manager or supervisor.

Check 21 Electronic Deposits

Simplify your banking. Get your money back faster. Enroll in our Check 21 Electronic Deposit program and automatically deposit your checks electronically. We process every kind of check or money order, even those accepted at your cash register.


Robust point-of-sale solution designed for efficiency and security. This system streamlines your transactions effortlessly, managing sales, returns, and exchanges all in one place. It provides enhanced risk management with built-in security measures, ensuring your data protection. With rapid transaction processing and simplified reporting tools, the solution gives you more time to focus on what truly matters - serving your customers.

Contact us today for a free live demo.

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